
Launching an e-commerce store? Great! But here’s a crucial question: Do you know what your customers are actually doing on your site? The secret to unlocking this mystery lies in a simple yet powerful tool: screen recording

What is Screen Recording?

Screen recording tools like Lucky Orange, Hot Jar, or Microsoft Cloud Key are like your website’s CCTV. They capture every move a customer makes on your site. This means you can see exactly where they click, what they ignore, and where they spend the most time.

Why Use Screen Recording?

Ever placed a button on your site hoping for clicks, only to find it gets ignored? Screen recording shows you the reality. It’s not just about what you think should happen; it’s about what actually happens.

I personally use Lucky Orange. It’s been a game-changer. By recording user sessions, I can later analyze where users face difficulties. This insight is gold for optimizing user experience.

The Outcome

Understanding user behavior through these tools can significantly improve your website’s user experience. And a better user experience? That leads to better conversion rates.

Conclusion: Start Recording, Start Optimizing

Don’t let guesswork drive your e-commerce strategy. Embrace screen recording tools and start making data-driven decisions to elevate your online store.

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