Imagine you’re about to start an e-commerce journey. Now, here’s a slice of advice that might change your whole approach


Embracing the Lean Startup Methodology

Let’s talk about starting lean. You’ve probably heard about the lean startup methodology. It’s all about starting small and smart. Think of it like this: you’re building a mini version of your dream store, just enough to get the ball rolling. This is your MVP – your Minimum Viable Product.


Your E-Commerce Store Could Be as Simple as a WhatsApp Number

Here’s a twist: What if I told you that your e-commerce store could just be your WhatsApp number at first? That’s right. YOU DON’T NEED A FANCY WEBSITE FROM DAY ONE. It’s like starting a home bakery. Before you rent a space downtown and hire staff, you start by baking in your kitchen and taking orders over the phone.


Keeping It Simple

In the beginning, forget about having a big team or a fleet of delivery agents. You don’t need all that yet. IT’S LIKE IF YOU’RE LEARNING TO FISH, YOU START WITH JUST A SIMPLE ROD AND A BUCKET. YOU DON’T BUY A FISHING BOAT RIGHT AWAY. The same goes for your e-commerce business. Start simple. Maybe partner with an existing delivery service. Keep your overhead low and your process straightforward.

The Power of Starting Small

By starting small, you’re not just saving money; you’re learning about your business hands-on. Every WhatsApp conversation with a customer is a lesson. You’re building your store one step at a time, learning and growing as you go.


  1. Start with an MVP: Think about what the simplest version of your e-commerce store looks like. Maybe it’s just a WhatsApp number to begin with.
  2. Grow as You Learn: Use every customer interaction to improve your business.
  3. Expand When Ready: As your customer base grows, then start thinking about a website, customer service team, etc.

Starting an e-commerce store doesn’t mean going big right away. It’s about starting at a point that’s manageable and then growing as you learn what works. Keep it lean, keep it smart, and watch your e-commerce dream take shape.