Imagine a journey from nothing to a staggering 600,000 Qatari Riyals in revenue. It’s a story not of grand strategies or flashy websites, but of simplicity and daring to be different. In the corporate world, where business plans and glossy websites are the norm, such a leap might seem impossible. But we’ve seen it happen.

Our client chose a path less traveled. They began their e-commerce adventure not with a conventional website but with a simple MVP (Minimum Viable Product) – using WhatsApp. This approach might sound too straightforward, but it’s a testament to the power of starting small and focusing on what truly matters: connecting with customers.

Their journey wasn’t about elaborate websites or endless meetings that often led to more confusion than clarity.

It was about iterative improvement, making small changes that add up to big results. They showed that you don’t need a fancy setup to succeed; sometimes, pure execution is all it takes.

So, to all the entrepreneurs out there: consider starting with an MVP. It could be a WhatsApp group, an Instagram page, or any other platform that helps you connect with your audience.

Remember, your path to greatness begins with unconventional ideas. Karen Cure’s journey from zero to a monthly revenue of 600,000 Qatari Riyals is a shining example of this

Start with your MVP today. Embrace the simplicity, focus on your customers, and watch as your business grows. Follow me for more e-commerce insights, and let’s redefine success together.